Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't Let The Bastards Win.

Lately I have enjoyed looking up words and meanings in the Webster Dictionary and using the actual meaning in my blog. The word Bastard is an offensive or disagreeable person. In this case it is intended for the elite, wealthy and the corporate entities that are destroying the American economy and with it, Middle Class Americans. I am trying to get people to take up the fight and stop them. I listen, everyday, to regular people and what I am hearing is not good. People are losing hope. People are believing that they do not matter. People are believing that no matter what they do it will not change the current drift in our American way of life. I have some news for all of you this is exactly what the Bastards want. They have most of our money and now the only thing left for them to take is our dreams and hopes. I for one will not let them have mine and you should be willing to fight and keep yours. They bombard us with propaganda every day in their efforts to strip even our dignity. The Bastards sit around in their boardrooms, around the country each and everyday coming up with new ways to take more from us and convincing us to fight with each other. As long as our attention is split by going after unions, fighting over health care, that would benefit us all, and making us believe that we are the enemy instead of them, they win.  We are not each others enemy. They are. The elite, the corporations, the extremely wealthy, Wall Street. They are the ones taking and giving nothing in return. Imagine fighting a war, when your side fights each other and not the enemy. That seems ridiculous, doesn't it? This is what they have us doing. They control the media. They control the politicians. They control the money. Guess what, as bleak as this sounds, they do not control us. That's right they do not control us unless we give up. I won't! When you pump gas into your car today or tomorrow, think about the oil companies that are gouging us for that price they charge. Think about the fact that they make billions every year and yet pay no taxes, because of corporate welfare.  Get angry. When you go to the store and pay more for bread and milk because of those same fuel costs. Get pissed. Don't let that feeling pass. Tell everyone you know, the truth. It is time to stand up and take back our country. It is time to stop the bickering between us and stop the greed. It is time to contact our leaders and let them know that when they vote for the interest of wealthy and elite, we will remember and replace them. It is time America! Don't let the BASTARDS win. I won't.

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