Wednesday, April 27, 2011

As much as I try to ignore him, Donald Trump is still a jerk.

President Obama, released his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. No president has ever been asked for this in the past. John McCain, who was born in the Panama Canal zone, which was, American soil at the time, was never asked for his. What a ridiculous waste of time. When the birth certificate, which I have looked at, was released, what did Donald "the Jerk" Trump say. "I am proud of myself for forcing the president to release this." Proud of himself for what? He stated that he had people on the ground and what they were finding concerned him. When asked about the supposed people on the ground, he refused to answer the question. He was pressed for an answer, but again, he refused to answer. Why, because in my opinion, there were no "people" on the ground. Once again Donald "The Jerk" Trump showed exactly who he is. An egotistical, clownish, blowhard, that should not have one person take him seriously for, not just the presidency, but any job. I have said it once and I will say it again, "Donald, your fired." Now please shut up and let people that have intelligent thoughts speak.

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