Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Unions are the average man, not the enemy.

In one of Danny's comment to me, he demonized the unions and leaves the impression that they are the enemies of America. Nothing could be further from actuality and truth. The unions, I will agree, have in some issues gone too far. Some of the leader became corrupt and misused funds that were meant for the workers. The point to remember is that at their core, unions use the strength of many for the betterment of all workers. In history they are the group that made things such as, the forty hour work week and overtime available for people. They promoted the idea of insurance through the workplace. The safety of working men, women and children. The child labor laws. Fair wages and fairness in the treatment and promotion of the average person. As I stated before there are incidences where unions went too far, but can anyone fairly say that the pendulum has not swung too far toward the companies now. I have worked in two union jobs in my lifetime, once on the railroad for a summer and once for several years in the construction trades in Pittsburgh. Both times were, for the most part, positive experiences, and I made excellent wages and had job protection. I worked hard and was rewarded by never facing a lay-off. The companies I worked for wanted to keep me working for them so during slow periods they would have me do work, at union wages, around their other businesses. The idea that unions control everything and that companies could not fire someone is completely false. They did not fire you, they laid you off and then you had to hope that there were other jobs available at the union hall. The same people that are attacking unions are silent in their complaints against corporate abuses. In Florida we have the right to work laws. Sounds great, huh? The problem is this gives companies the right to fire anyone for any reason. I wonder who this laws helps and who it hurts. Hint, the corporations were the ones that supported it and lobbied and lied about the intent of the law. Unions did and still do protect the rights and dignity of the average American worker. Let me repeat this, unions did and do now protect the rights and dignity of the average American worker. Corporations have one and only one job and that is to make obscene profits. Not just a fair return, they want it all. Why do you think they are willing to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to get their agendas passed and make the laws in this country favor the companies and the elite. It pays off quite well for them. Watch the documentary, "Inside Job", to see this. Unions are everyday people and Danny, you talk about the sheep of this country, blindly following our politicians, you need to take off the blinders and realize that corporate America is the real evil behind the collapse of our country. It is not my imagination that since  Reagan the difference between the average American and the top one percent, is the greatest in our history and growing further apart. The elite want people, that think like you, to continue to swallow their swill, that the problems today are caused by American heroes, the men and women that serve and protect us each and every day.  The problem in America is greed. The type of greed displayed by the huge corporate interests. I have seen the enemy and it is not my fellow middle class folks, it is the people that are sworn to take every last penny they can from Americans so they can have it all. Wake up Danny, and all of you that think, the solution is to give more to the rich so they can create jobs. They are not and will not work to help us. Unions and union workers are the last bastion of economic freedom left for us.  Let's protect and assist them, because they are, like you and me, regular people.


  1. Now that's just disappointing... I thought I had woken up... but I guess ill keep trying.

    I'm sure if you have noticed but I'm not usually spitting the regularly schedule programing from CNN, FOX, Rush, or Beck.

    I usually try to bring perspective that the average American no longer takes into account. However, America has moved so progressively to the left, that I guess I seem to be way over here in the Republican camp, killing grandma, and holding down the black man... :)

    I believe that much like "Lovebugs", Unions, were started for good reason. But you seem to fail to put them in the same category with the corporations. You are correct about the corporately controlled politicians etc... and that's what I find it funny when people think OBAMA, or Unions are any different.

  2. Ok so my interesting thoughts...

    You mention that the Unions have given us all of these great things... 40 hour work week and overtime etc... But do you consider these things a "right". Are these things a God given law that the blessed Unions helped uncover. I think not. I feel that we (average American) get on our soap box and talk about things we considers truths... however our perspective is but a blink of an eye on this earth. Big Yellow school buses, and Unions have not always been.

    When a man "for thousands of years" would work the land from sun up to sun down... was he be with held his rights to a 40hr work week? When a women would tend to the house and educate the children was she not being afforded her rights, and were the children "less fortunate" and deserving of a college education?

    Dont you find it the least bit funny that we know these things are not "rights" but if they tried to move it to a 50hr work week we would riot.

  3. On Unions, I feel

    They could continue to work if association was completely voluntary, the union confines its activities to collective bargaining, and the bargaining only takes place with the employee of the workers involved. -Berry Goldwater-

    Too the first point if a man wants freedom to not join unions (in particular instances) then he easily loses his "right" to work in that field or area. Dont you feel that it is a basic right to associate or not associate with a group? Should your bread be connected to such a thing?

    If I consider myself an individual and a Union becomes recognized as the bargaining roll at my plant or factory but I dont like the political associations of those union leaders so I dont want to partake... I lose my job.

    I know you will admit that unions play a huge political role... so you have unions contributing to campaigns, and actually working campaigns... making calls etc...

    Now is it not a basic freedom of mine to vote, and to use my money to pursued others to vote...? ie; donate to a candidate or party of my choice. Well besides the fact that Unions are one sided. Just imagine if they were just starting off. They take a bunch of forced dues from their members and then need to choose Republican or Democrat. Well there is no vote taken by the Union... its a small few who make that decision.

    "In order to achieve the widest possible distribution of political power, financial contributions should be made by individuals and individuals alone. I see no reason why unions or corporations to participate in politics. Both were created for economic purposes and their activities should be restricted accordingly"
    -Berry Goldwater-

    I also must point out the obvious, that unions have gone beyond their goal of protecting workers. $70-$80/hour Auto workers wages is a burden not on the employer but on all Americans. Driving up cost of manufacturing that will ALWAYS BE PASSED DOWN TO THE CONSUMER. Watch the modern day union do its work and watch the cost of anything that touches union hands go up!
