Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Terrorist Attack on America!

The shooting in Tucson on Saturday was a terrorist attack on America, as much as the 9-11 attack. Before anyone gets offended, let me explain. Yes, there is no doubt that the 9-11 attack was on a much larger scale with so many more life's tragically taken, but just like on 9-11 the terrorist wanted to change America through violence. Anytime someone wants to change the direction of our country they have a right to speak out, responsibly, and then, have their voices heard at the ballot box. Over the last couple of days we have heard all the rhetoric escalate about how this happened. What caused this to happen. What could we have done to prevent this. The answer to all of these questions is the same. Nothing! These things happen in an open society and we are exposed for repeats of the same thing. After 9-11 everyone wanted answers and reasons. They wanted someone to blame and a solution. This is what terrorists want to happen. They want us to reexamine our lives in America. They want us to give away our freedoms and liberties. They want us to take short cuts in our judicial system and bypass the Constitution. We as Americans need to accert that we cannot and will not permit this to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John,

    I have been absent for a while...

    Ever wonder why we never take note or hardly talk about the FT Hood shooting. And how its never refereed to as terrorism. I think that's a little sick don't you.
