Friday, January 14, 2011

Distortion of the Facts. Part One

This is not an indictment of any one political or ideological group, it is a conviction of all people or groups that distort facts to gain political advantage. When we were children, what was one of the tenants of our faith we all were taught. "Thou shalt not lie!" Now I remember being told there was no difference between a small (white) lie and an outright direct one. When people take it upon themselves to distort facts or lie, it has the same effect. The truth is hidden and in the case of politics it is hidden to promote a specific agenda. One example is the misinformation spread about the new health care law. It has been called a "job killing bill" based upon a study by the CBO(Congressional Budget Office), that stated, "some people that are near retirement age, may step out of the work force into retirement because of the reduction in premiums for health insurance, created by the new law." So people retiring, by choice is a jobs killing bill? Remember the same people using the CBO information now, would not use the CBO cost savings numbers on the health care law. People are using a chain E-mail by a judge in Texas, as proof that the new law will, amongst other things, pay and cover for illegal immigrants and death panels. This information has been dissected and proven misleading, half truths and completely false. Why? Are they all working for the large health insurance companies? Are they concerned that their billions in profits are not enough? 

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