Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Republicans Have Serious Memory Problems!

To listen to the Republican candidates and the people that call themselves Republicans, you would think they have not even been in Washington, D.C. for the last forty to fifty years. The problems that we currently face in this country was started by Obama, and he has continued to make everything worse. That is their story and they are sticking to it.

I have some late breaking news for this group. You all have a part in the direction we have been going and are continuing the down ward slide. We did not get here during the last three years. This has been ongoing for over forty years. The Republicans and Democrats have their fingerprints all over the economic crisis we face today. I have been honest about the fact we all are to blame and yet the Republicans and their followers contend that this is all President Obama's fault and they share none of the responsibilities for it. I have listened to Mitt Romney say how the President is a nice person, but is way over his head in running the country and he wants to put us back on track. How Mitt? By cutting taxes and regulations? Guess what this has been the mantra for the last half century and in my opinion one of the leading causes for the state we are in today. This would be taking us back to the failed policies and not looking for ways to move us forward.

The Republicans have been getting this wrong for years and now they believe we owe them another shot at destroying America. They had eight years under President Bush and yet all they did was give us more of the bad, "Voodoo Economics" that has not worked. Let's try something different. Let's actually try and work with our President and see how much progress can be made when we do the work for the average American. Come on, lets actually accomplish something.

1 comment:

  1. John,

    I completely agree!!! I love how the Republican astabolishment blames the Democrates for all the spending... and I do agree that it is silly when Hannity calls this an OBAMA ECONOMY. It truly is silly and short sighted.

    I think where we separate is on the actual fixes to the issue. I believe you can take the standard Democrat platform, and the standard Republican platform, along with the current monetary system and you will get the same result. A declining country and instability. So I think you know that we disagree on some general ideas on society and how things "should" be but you are 100% correct on the shortsightedness of the tards in the republican party. I would hope you lay in bed at night and feel the same out the other party establishment as well.
