Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Do We Have To Protect The Constitution?

The people that say they want the Constitution protected are the ones that are attacking it so hard. I stated the other day, the Constitution is not needed to protect the majority it is needed to protect the minority. People are homophobes, with their wanting to Constitutionally ban same sex marriage. What are the so afraid of. I have been married to a wonderful woman, Pat, for 35 years and if some people, who are of the same sex, want to get married and have legal rights, great. Why would I care? Does that diminish my marriage? Not in the least. We do not need a constitutional amendment to ban this, we just need people to understand that our Constitution, guarantees them the same rights as everyone else.

We want to drug test a group of people because they need government support, either in food stamps or money. Why, because they do not meet our expectations and have enough money to support themselves? Let's throw away the idea innocent until proven guilty. Drug test them all and the few that fail the test, throw them off  welfare. Again what about the Constitution protecting these people.

The last group that has drawn my attention is, Personhood, USA. This group of self righteous fools is pushing the idea that a fetus is a person at the time of fertilization. No concept that the child could not survive outside of the mothers womb, just they are a person at fertilization. Think about this carefully. They have or are attempting to get this on the ballot in all fifty states. Mississippi voters are going to have this on the primary ballot next year. One of the side thoughts is this could also make birth control pills illegal. Pills sometimes prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the womb. So not only are they stopping a women's rights to choice, they are also stopping a women's rights to use the pill. One of my first thoughts are what are we going to do with all of the unwanted children. I understand that in a perfect world we would not have to use abortion for birth control. One way to reduce abortions is, not, by eliminating the pill.

What do these issues have in common? They are all assaults on the rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. They are all rights, that people who say they support the Constitution, want government to be smaller and have less influence in our daily lives, support taking away. In their minds the Constitution is only good if it fits their opinion. When it doesn't then we should change it. The Constitution is only as great as the people defending it. We all need to start being great and stop the narrow minded attacks on our country and our rights.


  1. "People are homophobes, with their wanting to Constitutionally ban same sex marriage."
    I'm not a homophobic person, I'm very comfortable around gays and lesbians but the marriage idea is a religious thing, not the legal side of it, but the idea. I believe that homosexuals should be allowed to have a legal lifetime partnership with all the legal rights of a married couple, you should just call it something else. It's not right to disrespect christians in order to not offend someone else, use a different term to describe it because it isn't marriage, it's a life partnership.

    "We want to drug test a group of people because they need government support, either in food stamps or money. Why, because they do not meet our expectations and have enough money to support themselves?"

    no, because it's been proven time and time again that this support is falling into the hands of people who abuse the system. Drug dealers and criminals who break the law and spend the money the government has given them to help them survive on things like drugs and alcohol. With a failing economy, now more than ever we need to ensure that the people who need and deserve this government assistance get it and not someone who's gonna let it go up in smoke. nowhere in the constitution does it say that the government has to tax someone who works hard for their money and give it to someone less fortunate than them, it's a choice we made as a nation to do so, and now we are choosing to make sure our money is being well spent.

    as far as the abortion thing goes that's all debatable in so many aspects. When does the ideas span from the scientific to religious. Separating church and state when does science determine when that fetus is technically a human? I think it largely boils down to the conviction of the mother or how a doctor wants to run his practice. I think the government, to a certain extent, should allow choice.

  2. "It's not right to disrespect Christians" on the issue of marriage? What does Christianity have to do with marriage?

    Christians use the Bible to support their own prejudices and bigotry. They talk about "biblical family values" as if the Bible had a clear message on marriage and sexuality. Let's be clear: There's no such thing as "biblical family values" because the Bible does not speak to the topic clearly and consistently.

    Not only did Jesus choose not to marry, he encouraged his disciples to abandon household and domestic concerns in order to follow him.

    I am married, and it is a life partnership regardless of our genders. Use a different term? In a pig's ass.

    "It's been proven time and time again..." Cite your sources for this proof. Without proof, that statement is meaningless.

    You referred to drug dealers and criminals. I don't believe these people qualify for government assistance in the first place, so why drug test everyone? Or, is everyone seeking assistance a drug dealer and criminal?

    Abortion is not debatable by anyone who doesn't have a vagina. The government needs to stay the hell out of a woman's body.
