Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nine Days And The Deadbeat Dad is still in Congress

Day nine and nobody in Congress has brought up the fact that "Deadbeat Dad" Joe Walsh still has his seat in Congress. I am waiting for the outcry from his fellow lawmakers, or is that lawbreakers, to demand Walsh step down. No wonder our country has the problems we are facing. The very people who claim to make and uphold the laws of America are busy ignoring them. Congress sets itself above the very people it is supposed to serve. They are there to set examples and to obey laws, not break them. Everybody reading this should pass it on to their friends and relatives. Joe Walsh should become the poster child for deadbeat Dad's (parents) across the country. He owes over $117,000 and counting. One of the reasons we all pay more in taxes is people like Walsh, ignore their responsibilities to pay for and raise their children. Deadbeat parents all over the country have to be asking themselves, "Why do I have to pay if members of Congress are allowed to slide by?" Joe Walsh, from Illinois, you are a deadbeat Dad and the time has come to RESIGN.

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