Friday, January 21, 2011

Ways to reduce the nation's deficit. Education Part 2.

Now, lets look at education. Over the next few days I would like to get as many comments as possible on this issue. Please if you have friends that are also parents, grandparents,students, teachers and everyday citizens who care, give them this post so we can get input. I am going to start this by saying every dollar we spend on educating our children and adults is returned back to us many times over. There have been numerous studies that support this and I am sure most people agree. This is one area that we need to increase our dollars and attention to save money over the long haul, by revamping our education system to better address the issues for our students and teachers. We will lose our competitive advantage if we do not invest all the possible resources we have into education. There is not one of us that has not, either benefited  or was hurt by education. We benefit from a quality education and are pulled down and hurt by not having the advantage of one. Think about this and draw more people into the discussion. Write in your comments.


  1. I am not a parent, yet many come to me for care and advice, I am not a teacher, and many seek learning from me everyday. With this in mind I will say that our competitive nature in education has been lost because this has become a political issue, not a social issue. Education most definitely needs to be revamped and part of the restructuring is introducing students, to art, music, theatre, and extracurricular activities that promote discipline and inspiration for them to enjoy a healthy educational environment. For teachers to commend a student's hard work and for the government to release funds to better our educational system and make it valuable for all.

  2. If your wanting ideas from all sides then I would like to point out a recent individual whom has been in the news.

    Amy Chua has written a controversial article about "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior". It basically lays out the strict parenting guidelines of a Chinese family (or at least her family). I think we all understand the general fundamentalism associated with the Asian culture and Education. (ie; they are kicking our butts)

    Basically this woman is a drill Sargent and in our American culture she would even be called cruel. But you know what... her kids are the real deal! They are accomplished musicians and straight A students.

    My point here is the individual responsibility of the parent and how Amy takes it very serious. No government babysitter could ever produce what this mother has, and no amount of money will ever make this type of education "fair" and "equal" for everyone it can not be handed out or regulated as so. This is an education that can only happen when one takes responsibility for their child.

    Here is a link to the article.

  3. I guess I would like to see parents as willing to pay with themselves as they are with their dollars. I will once again make the argument that the more we place the "responsibility" of educating our children on a far a distant government we will continue to see a decline. Not just because of bureaucracy, and incompetence but mostly because of a natural tendency of society to re-leave itself of responsibility for it's youth.

    Kinda the "throw money at it" mentality.

    Now Ill start to sound crazy.

    IF high standards and strict guidelines are possibly the best way to a better education, (being more dominate and militant with our education) would you rather have parents towns and cities in charge of feeding our children education or the Federal Government? We have already started down this road but I will say that it is very dangerous to give the "evil elite" control of the curriculum, educational materials, books, and standardized test.

    I hate to sound so "Orwellian" but that is exactly how history tends to change from generation to generation and before you know it Big Brother is the only one we can count on, and the only one we have ever counted on. We will know nothing else.

    Big Yellow school buses, square pizza, and kids walking around the track for "Physical Education". I love the system I grew up in :)
