Monday, July 2, 2012

Conservatives Part Two

The Affordable Health Care Act has passed the Supreme Court test for constitutionality and the right goes beserk. I even heard one bright comment, "Just because the Supreme Court rules on it, it does not mean it is Constitutional." Yes it does! That is their job, but when they rule differently then the right wants them to, it is wrong. If the ruling had gone the other way, then it would have been proven unconstitutional. This reminds of a small child, wanting to quit playing because they did not get their way. The conservatives want to take their ball and go home.

I have listened to the Republicans try and persuade the American public that what Mitt Romney did in Massachusett, is totally different then what the Democrats and President did with health care. It is identical and any attempt by the right to position it any other way is just playing the semantics game. The Massachusett mandate is considered a penalty, where the AHCA is considered a tax. I do not care how they phrase it the intent in both cases, was to make free loaders have to share in their cost of health care. In the past the Republican party, the conservatives and the right have embraced the idea of personal responsibility, however since it became a Democratic agenda, they are running away from people being responsible.

The court and the opinion of Chief Justice Roberts, stated that the mandate would be acceptable if it is a tax. Fine. The tax or penalty would affect less then one percent of Americans and they can avoid that "tax or penalty" if they act like adults and purchase affordable health care insurance.

Romney and the Republicans are pushing to repeal the AHCA and then replace it with their own health care act. Lets look at the highlights of what they propose to replace the President's plan with. First they would extend health care to more people. That is already in the AHCA. They would permit children to stay on their parents insurance until age 26. Whoops, that is in the AHCA. They would prevent insurance companies, the ability, to decline coverage based upon pre-existing conditions. Humm, already covered under the AHCA. They would not allow health insurers to stop coverage due to limits. You guessed it, already there in the AHCA. Are you starting to see a trend here. What is it they are really looking to repeal, Democratic success? The Republicans are really upset because they didn't think of this first.

I heard house majority leader Eric Cantor say that the Republicans have had a health care plan for sometime, and will give details shortly. Really Mr. Cantor. You guys have a plan and did not share it with the public. Sorry I have to declare that, bullsh**. The problem is the only plans the Republicans, conservatives and the right have had in place or have worked on is to decieve the American public and to defeat Barrack Obama. Maybe it is time they start to look at what is in the best interest of the country and stop the devestating game of partisian politics.

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