Monday, November 21, 2011

Newt To The OWS, Take A Bath And Then Get A Job!

The arrogance of Newt Gingrich, was very apparent during an interview he had over the weekend. His advice to the Occupy Wall Street Movement was to first take a bath and then get a job. He also pointed out the people were occupying parks and using facilities that were funded by the very people they were protesting. Isn't that grand! Newt feels that these people are protesting against the very people that support them and make their lives so great. I have a newsflash for this idiot. The OWS and millions of ordinary people are protesting people, like you. You sit back with that wry, little smirk of yours and act so superior to the millions of peasants that dare to inhabit the same country you are bend on destroying.

You say we have become a secular country recently, and in reality, a little writing, called the Constitution of the United States, actually made the separation of church and state, a tenet of our country. I for one want it that way. I do not want leaders that will take us down the same route, as some other countries that are driven by religious zealots. Keep religion out of the decision making in America. People that have an issue with that need to find some other place to destroy.

Mr Gingrich is now calling for firing all union janitors and allowing the students to clean their own schools. He wants to eliminate all child labor laws that were set in place to keep companies from exploiting our children and depriving them of their educational responsibilities. Now children, and he advocated children as young as nine, can stay after school, not for learning purposes, but to work. One of his last statements, was one of his dumbest. He said they can start to rise up in society, this way. In other words we can produce more low paid janitors, instead of a society of better educated people ready to compete in the world arena.

Gingrich was paid almost two million dollars, plus a retainer of thirty thousand dollars a month by Freddy Mac. He opened doors on Capital Hill for the semi private mortgage giant to make more money while they ripped the American people off. This is a man that does not deserve any support for the office of President of the United States. This is a person, that has no moral values and exemplifies the root problem in our country. Greed and stupidity.

1 comment:

  1. "And then get a job*!"

    * - To "get a job", you must have a perfect work history with no gaps, no more than x number of jobs in the past x years, you must submit to a background check, a drug test, a personality test, a credit check which must be clear, you must be willing to accept a wage that can not possibly pay expenses and pay back any loans you have taken out at the same time, you must have at least five years of experience and a college degree for this job even if it is entry level, oh and you MUST be currently employed too.
