Monday, July 18, 2011

The Mother of All Yard Sales, Could This Solve Our Debt Problem?

The last few posts I have shown signs of confusion, but over the weekend I believe there was a revelation on our debt problems. Let's hold the "Mother of all Garage Sales. Within a few weeks we would invite people and representatives from around the world. It would be the social and business event of the century. Everything must go would be the mantra.

Let's start with the Pentagon. They could bring old nuclear war heads to D.C. What terrorist in their right mind could pass up a clearance sale like that. I am sure we could bring in a cool $100 million dollars, especially if we throw in a couple of intercontinental missiles to close the deal. Some old jet aircraft, with an aircraft carrier group could be sold off to the highest bidder. Let's not forget about our artillery and tank groups. More money in the pot.

Next we could look at some of our building in the nations capital. The Capital building and the Congressional office buildings would bring in a huge amount. It is not like we need it for anything. No work has been accomplished there in years. Plus we definitely have no signs of intelligent life anywhere in the area. While we are selling of the buildings that Congress uses, we could sweeten the deal by placing the fleet of limos, that members of Congress have at their disposal in the deal.

National Parks would be placed on the auction block. Hell the Republicans have been after closing them since Teddy Roosevelt. We have some nice timber and natural resource areas that big business could destroy, but at a price. They pay and reduce the debt, they can ruin any pristine parts of America. They would not have to worry about regulations that would lower their profits. They could strip trees, dig mines and drill for oil at their hearts content.

Let me think. What else could we do without. Schools, think how much we could cut the deficit, if we eliminate education from the budget. We could sell them to foreign countries. Then they could just educate their people here and have them in place to take our jobs. I know what would we do with our uneducated children? Who cares. That does not bother people now. We will just eliminate the cost and appearance of educating them.

Health Care. We could sell off our hospitals. Now I know that most hospitals are private companies or groups, so first we have to nationalize them. This way we could make a profit at the garage sell and eliminate health care costs, because no Americans would be able to use them. Simple, no use, we don't have to pay. People will die and then we don't have to pay Social Security benefits. This sale idea is sounding better and better.

Getting back to our nations capital. There are thousands of museums and memorials around the city. Some foreign countries do not have memorials for their veterans. We could sell the Vietnam Memorial to Vietnam. They lost people in that war also and they don't have to change the name. Washington Monument may not be a huge draw, unless we let them change names and pay us naming rights, similar to sports teams. The Washington Monument would become the Queen Elizabeth, Tostidos, Monument and the Lincoln  Memorial  would become the Hosni Mubarak, Citibank, Memorial.

At this point we are probably operating at a surplus, so get this Republicans, we can now give the big businesses and wealthy elite more tax breaks. We could lower their tax rate to zero. It doesn't get any better then this. I can only imagine the euphoria that the Republicans and Tea Party people are going through right now. John Boehner is somewhere crying in elation over this idea and Eric Cantor just wet his pants.  My only question to the Republicans and Tea Partiers. Why didn't you all think of this?  So lets' all roll up our sleeves and get busy. It will take several weeks to put this together. Congress could pass an extension to the debt ceiling and if we move quick enough, we could get this done before the next debt ceiling is hit. Together we can do this.

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