Friday, June 3, 2011

Sarah Palin is the most Rediculous and Contrived Politician Ever!

Let me see if I have this correct. To be qualified for the office of President of the United States here is how you do it. First, be the governor of a state and do not complete your term in office. Leave half way through, so you can tour the country, selling your book. Become a celebrity on FIX news. Rent a bus and have it painted to make you look like the most patriotic person in the country. Have a political action committee, raise money, be careful not to declare for the presidency yet, so you can us the money to pay for your families huge vacation. Have a reality TV show. Make an enormous amount of money and declare that you are a regular American. Sarah Palin is to politics, what the, "Beverly Hillbillies" are to fine cultured television viewing. I loved the "Beverly Hillbillies" but I wouldn't want Jethro to be our next president. The show was a joke and done for laughs. Sarah Palin is a joke and is done for laughs. She is the most fake politician I have seen in the 50 plus years that I have followed politics. She attacks everyone and everything. Retoric, is the only way she kows how to discuss something. The next time she has an original thought, it will be the first one she has ever had. It was funny when she referred to Mitt Romney as the former governor, but continues to have people call her Governor Palin. She did more to cost John McCain the election then any other person, Which was fine with me. I want her to get out from behind the questions from her co-workers at FIX news and answer questions that she has not been briefed on. She labels the liberal media as "lame stream", well I have to label her lame brained. She has not been and never will be elected President. The best way to ensure President Obama gets reelected is to have Palin run against him. The American public has to know that she is the least qualified person in the country to be President. President Palin would be the complete down fall of America. We cannot let that happen!

1 comment:

  1. Hey John,

    I dont get it...

    I just dont understand why "we" pay attention any more to this crap. With all do respect I dont know why someone like yourself even gets caught up any more in this "constructed entertainment" that comes from all media outlets. You must know and recognize that CNN MSNBC FOX they all have their agendas.

    Why do you have a long paragraph blog about how much you dislike Sarah Palin? ITs such a waste... your right it would be a sure second term for Obama if she runs... so let her if she wants, and pay no attention. I think in someways along the same line... I think it is SO SAD that "the other side" is looking not for the best politician with the best ideas and leadership... but they are looking for a "rock star" big enough to beat the current one in office.

    Why do we pay attention to Donald Trump? Why? Why are you blogging about Sarah Palin when we had votes on Libya in congress, and China sold off 97% of our Treasury bills?

    Why is the general "lame stream" media doing the same? They report on vacations and sex scandals while we slide into the crapper.

    I dont know... I guess I have my own AX to grind. In frustrates me to no end to have Mitt Romney (NOT A CONSERVATIVE, and NOT A DEFENDER OF LIBERTY OR FREEDOM) announce candidacy and all of a sudden he gives a speech and every media outlet is playing sound bites

    "this president has failed"
    "this president is hurting the American people"

    He sounds as winey as your little rant about Sarah.

    We are going to to hear the same crap we always hear for the next 18 months... and we will see who the media can "sell".
