Friday, November 16, 2012

John McCain Still Can't Believe He Lost!

    What is up with John McCain these days? I feel that he is still bitter that President Obama beat him and now he had to watch as the President got re-elected. It must have brought back the stinging feelings and it has become too much for McCain.
He has been drumming up a conspiracy theory over the past couple of weeks and yet all he is doing, is looking pathetic. On Wednesday he complained about us needing more information on Benghazi and then he turns around on Thursday and skips a meeting where information was given to members of Congress. When a reporter asked him about missing the meeting he snapped back, "That he was a Senator and did not have to answer questions."
    McCain has called the terrorist attack on the consulate in Benghazi the worst intelligence failure in America's history. Maybe he forgot about the 9-11 attacks and the failures by America's intelligence community then. What about the various attacks on U.S. consulates and embassies starting with Karachi, Pakistan in 2002, when 12 people where killed and 51 injured. More attacks happened in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Where was John McCain and his outrage. After 9-11 the Intel from various agencies around the world suggested there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There were as many other agencies that said there was no evidence of WMD. Many people from the Bush administration were out convincing everyone that the weapons were there. So far none have been found. Ten years trillions of dollars and thousands of lives later still no weapons. Maybe John needs to rethink some of his rhetoric.
    John has called into question Susan Rice and her intelligence and ability to be Secretary of State. Where was he when Condi Rice and Colin Powell were using intelligence information to push us into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Silence is all he has on that subject. We need to find out what happened in Benghazi. Not to find a scape goat. Not to hang someone out to dry. Not to punish people. We need to find out what happened so we can prevent it from happening again. We need to find out so we can protect our people around the globe, as best we can.
    John McCain wants to find a way to attack our President. That is all this is. The bitter vitriol of an old man that failed to accomplish what he felt was his right, the Presidency of the United States. John, YOU LOST. Get over it. You served America proudly in uniform and as a Senator. It is time to move on. All you are destroying, is your legacy. I feel pity for you, but your time has come, to retire. Go sit on your porch in Arizona and dream what could have been and allow the rest of us to fix problems in America.

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