Monday, April 2, 2012

America's New Motto, Land Of Hatred!

We used to proudly proclaim we were the, "Land of the free." Today we are the land of hatred. Look at the posts on face book. Read the newspaper. Watch any news or political program. Watch a sporting event. Listen to your kids. Go to the store. Drive in traffic. What do all of these things and just about every other activity we do have in common? The dislike and pure hatred that flows out of Americans today.

I listen to people talk about how much they hate President Obama. Not just dislike and disagree with his policies, but actually hate him as a person. Why? Disagree, that is absolutely fine but why hate?  Democrats hate the Republicans and vice versa. Why? I disagree with the premise that Mitch McConnell started the new legislative session with. Their number one priority was to make Barrack Obama a one term President. They have gone on to block and do everything they could to make this a reality. Why not the needs of America being their first priority? I don't hate Republicans, I just disagree with them.

I have a young lady on my face book, that constantly states how much she hates the President. When pressed for why, she blames him for things that he either did not start or has no control over. I have watched Obama be blamed for everything from the great flood of Noah fame to the future demise of the planet earth, twenty million years from now. Have we arrived at the point, where we have set unobtainable expectations of our Presidents? We ask much from the leaders of our country and yet we do not look at the actual problem or source of the problems. We then automatically assign the blame to the President. Then we hate him when problems are not solved yesterday.

Let's get back to the hatred our whole country exhibits. We hate every aspect of our lives and then strike out at the people around us and blame our leaders. Where do we take responsibility for our actions? Why do we not get angry at ourselves for not changing our lives? Yes, some things in this country need to change. We have to get quality education for everyone. Infrastructure needs to be rebuilt. Everyone should have access to quality, affordable health care. People should be able to get secure, good paying jobs to support their families. However none of this is going to happen if we all just sit back and complain about everyone else. Nothing will improve if all we do is hate, the people that have success or anyone that has a different opinion. We have to return to doing what is in the best interest of America. We have to return to the ideal of hard work, good education and leading the world in innovation. We all need to take responsibility to be involved in our Democracy and take the time to help our leaders, to lead America back to greatness. Lastly we need to stop hating and start loving America.

1 comment:

  1. John: In college I took many psychology courses, and found this field fascinating. I learned that hatred (though extreme) and anger were emotions that were easy to handle. Pain, frustration, hurt emotions, etc, are not emotions we confront or admit to. America hates everything it does when it has the inability to assimilate or understand what someone else goes through. Being the leader of a country is a job that is well desired but no one wants it. There is pressure and expectation to whip up a wand and magically make things perfect. No such thing. We want magicians and wizards to run our country when we really need empathy, compassion and care. We elect politicians because we romanticize what they promise. Once things go in the opposite direction, we point, we hate, but we don't reflect on how difficult it is to fix a nation that has taken decades upon decades to reach the pinnacle of despair, faltering economy, and the unability to provide a work future for its citizens. What do we do? Lets take the responsibility to elect someone who cares for our country instead of electing a superheroe, movie star, soap opera contender who in the long run is empowered by his own stupidity and the ability to profit his own pocket. When we disagree we have to sit down, discuss all sides and reach an agreement. When we hate, we walk away and magically hope our leader embraces a beast that was inherited through years of us not having the common sense of electing an official that had the people's interest at heart. People must remember that when they point a finger, there are four more more point directly at them. If we hate its quick and aggressive, no responsibility is assumed. When we disagree it takes work, effort and assumption of responsibility.
