Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why We Have to Make Sure We Don't Follow Herman Cain's Example!

Herman Cain was out promoting his book when he ran into a buzz saw, by the name of Lawrence O'Donnell. For those that may not be familiar with Mr. O'Donnell, he has a show on MSNBC titled, "The Last Word." I watch this most nights along with the rest of the MSNBC lineup. Now Mr. O'Donnell went after Mr. Cain, because he stated in his book that he was going to school, during the civil rights movement and chose to stay out of trouble, instead of getting involved. As Mr. Cain tried to explain his position it became clear, he did not have the intestinal fortitude to stand with others to demand changes in our society. He also stated that because his number did not come up in the draft, he was not able to join the war in Vietnam. In other words, Herman Cain chose then and would likely chose now to stay, "out of trouble" and not support his country.

Many people chose to avoid Vietnam and many more chose to enlist or did not fight the draft and served. More importantly, many people chose to stand on the lines during the fight for equality for all citizens. The problem then as now, more people should choose to fight, for our country and the fairness it represents, instead of staying out of trouble and sitting on the sidelines. The young people that are deciding, today, to occupy Wall Street are an example of standing up. Mr. Cain does not support these people either and feels they should quit complaining and get a job. Where are they supposed to get a job?  They are standing up for the principles that America was founded on. The right for freedom. The right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

People on the right are trying to make them out to be a return of the Hippies from the 70's and make them sound like they are the lunatic fringe. They do not want them to get any attention, with the hope they will simply disappear and take their ideas of fairness with them. Mr. Cain and former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich even came out with the statement that they were UN-American. UN-American? How more American can you be, then to demonstrate and denounce the unfair political system that we have. Our country was founded on dissent. the most sacred part of our Constitution is freedom of speech. When we exercise this freedom we are more American then the individual that shouts UN-American, because they disagree. So to Cain and Gingrich I say, you are the people that trample on the Constitution, each time you try and quell someones freedom of speech. I guess my question to them is why are the 99% people UN-American and the Tea Party is not. When they were demonstrating the Republicans were tripping over each other to be identified with them. If you truly love America and our freedoms, you will support these people that are starting a new movement. To all of them I say keep up the good work. Don't let the politicians and corporate interests pervert your movement. Keep it pure and simple. We want fairness and if the powers that be cannot comprehend that concept, then we have to replace them with people that will. I will keep writing and talking about all of you. This is how I will support you. To everyone else, use the mediums that are available and keep the message moving. This time is ours and together we will take back our country. Do not take Mr. Herman Cain lead though, and stay out of trouble. If we stand up, save our country, exercise our Constitutional rights and this brings trouble, so be it. After all, isn't America worth the trouble?

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