Thursday, July 7, 2011

Exxon's Profits Are A Paultry $5 Million Dollars An Hour

Yes, that is right. Poor Exxon Oil is bearly making ends meet because they are only making five million dollars an hour in PROFITS! For those of us that are in the lap of luxury and making eight to ten dollars an hour (before taxes), we need to keep this in a proper perspective. The Democrats that are calling for the tax loop-holes to be closed, must understand that if we do this what will happen to the CEO of Exxon. He might have to consider bankruptcy just to make ends meet. The Republicans have it right. Exxon needs more tax credits, so they can keep this small business afloat. Let's think about some other examples of how greedy the American public has become. We are crying about the fact that after paying Social Security taxes and Medicaid and Medicare taxes for forty or fifty years, we have a right to see some of that money back in the form of benefits. What a bunch of whiners. We have to be willing to make the sacrifices instead of looking to close tax loop-holes. Yeah Eric Cantor, you go guy.  Get those corporations and elite. Wait what was that you said. You then want us to cut their tax rate, for a zero increase in revenue? I see your point Mr. Cantor. How can they give you a share of their profits if they have to pay taxes. That will seriously cut their $5 million dollars an hour in profit to maybe 4.95 million dollars an hour in profit. Listen to the average person complaining about the losses they have suffered in their 401K's and the values of their homes. How can we compare that to the sacrifices the poor corporations have faced? What's that you say. The corporations are sitting on trillions of dollars. Yeah that may well be, but if we make them pay more in taxes, they will suffer. Yesterday I saw an article about a hedge fund trader, that makes only $520 thousand dollars an hour. How can we sleep at night knowing that we asked that poor person to pay a little of that in taxes. He works hard. He takes other people's money and gambles with it. How is this any different then you taking your neighbor's money to Vegas with you and hoping to turn a profit. If you lose your friend's money so what. This guy has no skin of his own in the game and makes a tidy little amount of money to offset his problems. I also saw where some states are going to cut the school week from five to four days. Imagine the amount of money we will save on this. It makes more sense to do this then it would to charge General Electric (7.5% tax rate on billions of dollars in profit) more money. Now some naysayers will try and influence us, by stating that down the road we will have to pay more because our children will be less educated. They will say that we are falling further behind other countries in education and will struggle to compete with them in technology and industry because of the cuts. My response to them is simple. So what! It is all about today. How can we cut our budget and debt if we keep paying for useless items like education. How can the large corporations continue to hire more people if we make them pay more in taxes. Now some people will tell us that even though corporate welfare has been saving trillions of dollars for small businesses like Bank of America, they have been cutting jobs instead of creating more jobs. To this I say, give them time. They have only been getting these special tax breaks for fifty years. You cannot expect them to turn this around overnight. You see when you look at this issue, through unjaded eyes, it is quite clear I have been wrong and the Republicans have been right. The small businesses like CitiCorp are being used as a scapegoat. The job creators. The very businesses that can turn this economy around and give all of us good, high paying jobs. We need to get down on our hands and knees and thank God above for the companies like Exxon, that is generously, gouging us with higher gasoline prices. They are eking out profits and all we do is mock and complain. For my part I want to have my tax rate go up to 60% so we can protect the Exxon's of the world. God Bless the United States of America and God bless the United States of Corporations. As the great Governor of Florida would say, "Lets get to work". What do you mean there are no jobs. See, there you go being negative again.

1 comment:

  1. Blackfish documentary
    The topic is quite overdue, but only because as of Sunday I saw the documentary when it aired on CNN. I strongly suggest this documentary to be viewed with an open mind and an understanding of how lives are affected and changed. Especially that one of a whale and his trainers. I went to bed with a heavy heart thinking how fragile life is, even for an animal. I could not understand how much of an uproar this documentary had created. Why finger point? This documentary does not finger point, it just proves that as humans the decisions we make ripple effect those around us, before us and after us. The loss of human life was a direct result of psychological pain. Hurt can be the instrument that led to these tragedies. The human brain is only used one third. The brain of an Orca, i twice as large as the human and used to full percentage. These animals speak a language of unity, family, social acceptance, survival a.d the need for affection. Deep in Tillikum's memory and recollection his life was changed as a young calf. Confusion, punishment, relocation and isolation have been the factors to determine his pain and sadness. This whale has been misunderstood for many years because he used to breed and entertain. This creature was the symbol of hope for children visiting an aquarium. These children admired him and wanted to become trainers in the future. His actions have villainized him. Many have forgotten he used to represent conservation through education. This logo used to be the mision for a marine park that wanted to preserve our oceans. Somewhere in time this was lost and the commercialization became the pathway to what it is today. Entertainment. Natural behaviors gave way to a show. The needs for family and social unit got sacrificed and the lives of those caretakers where changed forever. Nothing will be the same. Only the memories. I disapprove the release of captive bred animals as these only know human touch and lack survival skills. The marine parks need to re-evaluate how to incorporate nature, education and conservation into their programs. Take it back to basics. Tillikum cannot return to the sea but our society of engineers can bring the ocean to him, give him a peaceful life and making him that symbol of hope again. I enjoy seeing animals be themselves without adding tricks or routines. Afterall these creatures educate us on life and the unit of family like Orcas have. As an animal lover, I firmly believe we can provide creatures with better lives through respect of nature and conservation. This documentary shows through the re-telling of stories and events how much our society has victimized human and animal lives.
