Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where is the leadership, Mr. President?

Anyone that has been following my blog knows that I support President Obama. That support is still there and will continue. I will, however look at politicians and when I feel the need to criticize or offer an opinion, I will. Unlike some groups I will not look away from either party. Right now I want our president to lead. Whether you agree with his point of view or not, we need direction. We should know where our elected leaders stand on each and every issue. There are times when an important problem has no clear cut, black and white solution, but we should aways know where politicians stand. The problem with politicians, and right now the president they are looking at ways to answer questions and stay in the middle. They are waiting for someone else to make the first reccomendation, so they can attack the other side. Enough with the politicing. The president has to stand up and say, "We must start making changes to Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare." He must address the need to shut down two wars, not later but now. He should lead the way on tax reform. I want him to stop the practice of corporate welfare at the expense of the average American. He should lead the way on election financing reform. There are so many issues we need to move forward on. He should stop the practice of waiting for Congress to set the agenda. The president is there to LEAD, not follow. He let Congress control the conversation on health care, don't ask don't tell, the oil spill, the wars and now the budget. Mr. President it is time to do what we sent you to Washington, to do, lead. Americans will follow, if we are told what direction we are going to and how do we get there. That does not mean we will follow blindly, but we do want direction. Take the "bully pulpit" and use it in the way it was designed. You stated that your concern was not whether you were re-elected, but in doing what is needed to move America forward. I will support you to another term, but you have to support all Americans with leadership. There is an old saying, "Lead, follow or get out of the way." Now is the time to decide what you are going to do, Mr. President.

1 comment:

  1. One thing for certain and sure is that he was elected because he came to the closest idea of what a people's president should be. He broke the boundaries of color, politics, social status and brought to the platform the issues that America needed to be addressed upon. I agree to the fullest with your statement John; it is time to lead this country in the direction it needs to go. This is not about Congress or money or political divisions. Its about a man of solid, peaceful and loyal convictions that came from the same grounds America came from: the struggle of a society trying to fit in, economically and socially. He came from a single mother family and grew up in a society who has struggled to do the right thing. Its not about democrats or republicans or conservatives or liberals. Its about this man standing up and putting his foot down to say enough is enough and taking the initiative to guide this country to where it needs to stay. He needs to bring back home our men and women in uniform and keep them where they are needed. In our backyard, in our hometowns, in our soil. He can make it happen but only with that full throttle that leadership entitles you to.
