Tuesday, February 15, 2011

President Obama is a citizen, it is time for the adults to come forward.

Think about this for a minute. On August 4, 1961 a man and a woman had a son. They knew some day he would want to run for President of the United States. Since he was born in Kenya they had to sneak him into the country. Hawaii was the logical place because they could pay off two independent newspaper editors to list him in their birth announcements. They smuggled him past immigration authorities. They get the state officials in Hawaii to make a fake certificate of birth. All of this because they knew 40 years later he would need this information to become president. Oh, yeah did I mention that he is half black. They still knew that Americans would elect him. This past week Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, both were asked directly about the ridiculous beliefs of many Republicans that the President was not born here. Instead of coming out directly and saying not only is he an American, anyone who believes any other way is a complete idiot. While serious people try to work on solving the problems in our country I still hear all of the childish,  idiotic garbage that is out there about our leader. The problem with too many people is they do not believe in our democracy. They believe that if you didn't vote for someone and don't agree with someone, then they are not legitimate leaders of our country. The election is over. Our president is Barack Obama. People need to grow up and realize that all of the stupidity, and what they think, are funny remarks is counterproductive to moving us forward. We debate the election and policies, then we vote and finally we do something constructive. The, so called adults, who only want to tear down and feed into rumors are one of the greatest threats to America. So my final word to all of the kids out there, that want to take their ball and go home, is start setting an example for the real children in this country and show them how adults move forward. In other words, grow up and stop you whining.  

1 comment:

  1. In order for America to mature you have to realize that it all starts with acceptance. Accepting who you are, what you believe in, what you represent and where your goals stand. The unfortunate truth is that politics are centered around what color you are, what religious beliefs you practice and how straight your hair is. In the meantime while we wait for this nation to grow up and see our leaders as vehicles to improve our way of life, to better our democracy, we focus on what what color his skin is and what the birth certificate states. Guess what? The bigger picture is that our social standing is still to this date the same; we are separated by colors and accents and the amount of money our bank accounts carry. As society grows so does inmaturity.
